
Search results

  1. BYGL: A Gardener's Best Friend

    Fischnich at Curtis Young, agriculture and natural resources educator for OSU ...

  2. Ohio State University experts research new, innovative, sustainable ways to manage pests

    increase use of IPM techniques by partnering with USDA’s National Resources Conservation Service.  ...

  3. New Dishware Sanitizers Prove More Effective at Killing Harmful Bacteria

    January 26, 2011 Editor: This news release was also distributed by Ohio State University's ...

  4. Ohio State Researcher: Global Hunger May Be Double Previous Estimates

    information each country provides. Some nations don't have the resources to be able to collect such ... other resources, or if, for the same reason, any adult or child in the household had to skip meals or ...

  5. Triway, Wooster Grads Earn OARDC Family Scholarship Awards

    Knebusch OARDC Human Resources office Jackwood05.jpg Chamberlain05.jpg False False False False False False ...

  6. BUSTEC 1200T Exploring Business

                                       Business Source Complete good for SWOT analysis 3.  Plagiarism:  Ohio State Copyright Resource ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: December 5, 2016

    Season's greetings.  We hope you're enjoying the holiday season and all of the hustle and bustle that comes along with preparing for the holidays.  Listed below are a few important 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the headlines below for ...

  8. Ohio State, Iceland Team Up on Environmental Issues

    but the natural resources slowly became depleted as Nordic settlers brought grazing animals and cut ... with the School of Environment and Natural Resources in the College of Food, Agricultural, and ... Studies and CFAES' School of Environment and Natural Resources and Office of International Programs ...

  9. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Nov. 3

    Resources; speaker is Florent Tivet, CIRAD (national agricultural research and development center), Paris, ... using waste to generate energy and renewable resources to create plastics, foams and other materials. ... sponsored by School of Environment and Natural Resources; speaker is Ohio State scientist Jim Bauer. Free. ...

  10. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Dec. 7

    Resources. $25. Information: or 614-292-8603. Dec. 10: Leisure ... Center, 890 West 4th Street, Mansfield. Sessions on current natural resource issues for natural resource ...
