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  1. Environmental Professional's Breakfast: “One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health-- Protecting People and Planet”

    environmental and natural resources community for networking, great speakers and presentations, and a warm ... David Hanselmann OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources 2021 Coffey Rd. Kottman Hall Columbus, ... Hanselmann School of Environment and Natural Resources Student participation   We encourage student ...

  2. OSU Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo- Winter 2014

    Environment and Natural Resources will be on hand to have discussions with prospective applicants and answer ...

  3. Good Agricultural Practices

    Practices (GAPs). Learn about the scientific basis behind best practices and get helpful tools and resources ...

  4. Good Agricultural Practices

    Practices. Through a strong scientific basis, they provide tools and resources to develop risk assessments ...

  5. July 2018 Highlights

    The Institute of Food Technologist’s IFT18 was held in Chicago this month and our department was well represented during the annual meeting. We had over 35 students and faculty participating this year in some capacity that included, but not limited to, po ...

  6. Youth Programs

    Resources for Teachers including experiments, lessons and videos ...

  7. India Gateway

    bio-industrial watersheds for sustainable use of natural resources and village livelihood improvement. 2006 ...

  8. March 2018 Highlights

    Congratulations to the following faculty on their 2018 IFT Achievement Award. The Nicolas Appert Award will be awarded to Dr. Dennis Heldman, the William V. Cruess Award for Excellence in Teaching will be awarded to Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona, the Stephen S ...

  9. February 2018 Highlights

    The Ohio State University Board of Trustees has approved establishment of the William and Sandra Hildebolt Innovation and Entrepreneurial Endowed Fund. The annual distribution from this fund shall be used to promote student innovation and entrepreneurial ...

  10. January 2018 Highlights

    Congratulations to the following FST friends and Alumni who will be recognized during the 2018 CFAES Alumni Awards luncheon on March 4, 2018. Meritorious Service Award Dale Seiberling (`50, BS, `51, MS, Dairy Technology) Young Professional Award Nutsuda S ...
