
Search results

  1. SENR Graduate Student Invited to Attend World Food Prize Events

    and Natural Resources  and a  Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) ...

  2. Western Agronomy Field Day is July 16

      This news item originally appeared on the website of The Ohio State University’s College of ...

  3. Reconstructing Historical Fire Regimes and Forest Structure in Wisconsin’s Red Pine Dominated Forests

    Natural Resources Science Services. Meunier topic will be Reconstructing Historical Fire Regimes and ...

  4. Professor invited lecturer at Gordon Research Conference

    School of Environment and Natural Resources Professor and Ohio Eminent Scholar Richard Dick ...

  5. Fellowship recipient conducting summer research in school’s aquaculture laboratory

    Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Advised by School of Environment and Natural Resources Professor Konrad ... research in the School of Environment and Natural Resources  Aquaculture Laboratory.  undergraduate ...

  6. Students Sought for Sesquicentennial Planning and Engagement Committee

    Please encourage students to apply to be part of the Sesquicentennial Planning and Engagement Committee. ...

  7. Student Survey on Sexual Misconduct

    Please encourage students to complete Ohio State’s climate survey on sexual misconduct, which will be available to students through April 21. ...

  8. Reminders from the Business Office

    Reminders regarding rental vehicles and receipts ...

  9. Grad Cap Decoration Station

    The ATI Library is creating a Decoration Station for our graduates who plan to participate in commencement. If you have anything you would like to donate we would be appreciative. ...

  10. New Blog Posts: Living on Campus and Program Excel

    Check out the newest blog posts on Buckeye Voices from Ohio State ATI. Marshall Firestone relates his experience with Program Excel, and Kayleigh Metz talks about living on campus.  ...
