
Search results

  1. TEDx Ohio State University

    Ticket sales for TEDxOhioStateUniversity’s 6th annual event have been live for a couple weeks now, and we're predicting to sell out by the middle of next week, so purchase your tickets ASAP! This year’s theme, Precipice, will offer our nine speakers ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-34

    treated as a nutrient resource. As such, soil tests should dictate if manure nutrients are applied to the ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-37

    months, where food isn't as available.  Depending on the available food resources in their home range ... lead to additional travel across roadways to reach alternate resources. In addition to the increased ...

  4. Shades of Animal Science Chili Cook-Off

    Shades of Animal Sciences is hosting a chili cook-off is on March 21st from 10:30am-2pm! There is a $5 donation for you to enjoy as much chili as you want! Contact Krista Morrison if you have any questions about entering the conest.  ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-27   Changes in the recent WAAS satellite coverage can affect your GPS performance Authors: Nathan ... of differential correction for various agriculture, natural resources, and other general ...

  6. Volume 19, Issue 1


  7. Horsemen's Association Meeting

    On Tuesday March 7th, OSU Horsemen's Association will have there next meeting at the OSU horse barn. We will have a carpool leaving at 6pm in front of Plumb Hall. This will be an opportunity to have a hands on experience with the new baby foals. As a ...

  8. Quadrathlon Results

    Congratulations to Amanda O’Connor, Abby Ratcliff, Allie Schroeder, and Zach Yaufman for winning the OSU Animal Science Quadrathlon this past week.  They will represent Ohio State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Science meetings over spring brea ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-09

    News April 6, 2010. Vol. 10:05 Lee, C. 2010. Corn ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-29

    Resources Outlook Bean Leaf Beetle, Pod Feeding, and Late Maturing Soybeans Authors: Ron Hammond, Bruce ... Urbana OH 43078 CCA-CEUs (approved for 1.5 CM, 1.0 PM, 1.5 NM) Water Resources Outlook Authors: Jim Noel ... The Water Resources Outlook for September has been issued by Tom Rench. It calls for continued drought ...
