
Search results

  1. NEWS- Janini Appointed Interim Director of Ohio State ATI

    WOOSTER, Ohio — Thom Janini has been appointed interim director of The Ohio State University  Agricultural Technical Institute, beginning Aug. 1. The two-year degree-granting institution of the university’s  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmenta ...

  2. Ohio State Students Help in Hurricane Recovery Efforts

    December 20, 2005 Editor's note: This is a special submission from LSUAgCenter NEWS, which ...

  3. Flooding Could Injure Corn Crop

    with current forecasts of hot weather may be bad news for the state's corn crop.   Peter Thomison, ...

  4. An Animal Disease Found in Sheep May Have Ties to a Human Intestinal Illness

    November 15, 2001 Editor: This news story, originally released Nov. 7, is being re-released with ...

  5. Apply Lessons Learned in 2010 to Next Season's Wheat Crop

    away from the growing season. "The good news is rarely did we see all of the disease problems in ...

  6. NEWS- Four with Wooster connections honored by CFAES

    The CFAES Alumni Society sponsors an annual awards program to recognize individuals whose careers have enabled them to make significant contributions to the college. This year, four of the recipients have connections to the Wooster campus. They were honor ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Jan. 28

    Resources; speaker is Neil Drobny, lecturer in Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business. Free. Information: ... Center, 890 West 4th St., Mansfield. Sessions on current natural resource issues for natural resource ...

  8. Study: Consumers Value Safer Food More Than Current Analyses Suggest

    February 8, 2011 Editor: This news release was also distributed by Ohio State University's ...

  9. Researcher Seeks to Solve Tomato Shape Riddle, Develop New Varieties

    like regular tomatoes but without any seeds. This might be of interest to seed companies and great news ...

  10. USDA: More Corn, Fewer Soybean Acres This Year

    March 29, 2002 Editor: This article has been released to the joint OSU-Purdue electronic news ...
