
Search results

  1. Cloud computing and the future of agriculture

    agriculture, increasing crop yield, and helping to conserve natural resources, fight hunger and create a more ...

  2. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Spring Plant Sale

    garden, please share this great news! For a list of plants including perennials, annuals, herbs, and ...

  3. New Weed Science resources

    A couple of new resources on weed identification and herbicide site of action from OSU weed ... Identification”.  This is a really nice resource to download onto an iPad or Mac computer for use in weed ID in the ...

  4. New and Small Farms College- Troy, OH

    disappointed! Course includes farm business management, tax information, resources, a small farm tour, and more. ...

  5. Good Time to Dig Roots and Inspect for Rootworm Damage

    The good news with all the rain is that it likely caused substantial mortality in corn rootworm ...

  6. Eliminating marestail as a determiner for postemergence soybean herbicide selection

    type. In other news – we still have OSU Weed Science folders available, and also and the cloth posters ...

  7. Corn and Soybean: What’s in Store for 2016?

    vegetative growth is usually complete and pollination initiated prior to the period of greatest moisture ...

  8. Cover Crops Following Wheat Harvest in Grain Rotations

    Agriculture and Natural Resources SAG-5. The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH. Pavek, P.L.S. 2012. Plant ... fact sheet for pea (Pisum sativum L.). USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Pullman, WA. ...

  9. Experts meet at OARDC to discuss challenges, growth of U.S. bioeconomy

    challenges faced in evolving a bioeconomy — an economy based on the sustainable use of renewable resources ... use of renewable resources. Already provides 4 million jobs, $369 billion A June U.S. Department of ...

  10. Who Can Work on Your Farm

    Farm Work Can They Perform” by Peggy Hall and Catherine Daniels in the OSU Agricultural and Resource ...
