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  1. OARDC, Ford Partner to Test Russian Dandelion Rubber for Car Parts

    Angela Harris said in a statement from the company. “Synthetic rubber is not a sustainable resource, so we ...

  2. New Icon Reveals the Power of the Plate and choose the "Family" resource area, and then "Families, Food and ...

  3. A Green Solution to Storm Water Management

    agriculture and natural resources, is exploring contour infiltration planting (CIP). The technique involves ... Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service, W.A. Natorp ...

  4. Ohio Fish Farms Rising Fast: $50M Impact, New Jobs

    and gather people to bringing in the speakers and resources that people need to evaluate whether they ... said, citing the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Soybean ... resources here in Ohio that other (major aquaculture) states only dream of,” he said. The state’s rich grain ...

  5. Biotechnology Consortium Seeks to Improve Ohio's Agricultural Industries

    information on issues that are important to Ohio's agricultural and natural resources industries. ... soybean root rot. "Agriculture and natural resources are multi-billion dollar industries in ...

  6. Soil Scientist Develops 10 Principles to Sustainable Soil Management

    and Development Center, suggests that soil and its resources are the answer, and sustainability can be ... Lal, with the School of Environment and Natural Resources. "It doesn't mean that agriculture ...

  7. Free 'Growing Our Own' Gardening Workshops in Columbus

    crops with less labor. June 2, 10 a.m. to noon, Water Harvesting: Methods, Care, and Resources. Local ...

  8. Nutrient Management Key Theme of Ohio No-Till Conference

    of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Ohio No-Till Council will discuss the ...

  9. End of Year Brings Significant Tax Implications for Farmers

    Ohio Ag Manager newsletter is one resource to help understand potential opportunities, as well as ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Just put pen to paper to start on budget (January 2012)

    on target? Another resource you might find helpful is OSU Extension’s “Budget in a Box” system, which ...
