
Search results

  1. Testing Livestock Forage and Feed Samples Colder Weather Animal Care

    resources educator. OSU Extension is the outreach arm for the college. Cold temperatures, low wind chills, ...

  2. OSU Expert: Farmland Value Projected to Increase in 2013

    behavior with respect to farm, food and energy resources, and the environment. Because of the moderate to ...

  3. OSU Extension Expert: Cold Weather Increases Livestock Energy Needs

    body temperature, said Rory Lewandowski, an agricultural and natural resources educator for OSU ...

  4. The Clean Water Act, Wetlands & Stream Alteration: An Introduction

    water quality certification) and how you can engage in that process. Resources for learning more about ...

  5. Spring Planting Requires Increased Focus on Safety

    Farm Injury Resource Center. The center said other equipment-related farm injuries include: being ...

  6. Ohio State Research: Intercrop Soybeans May Offer Higher Yields, Financial Boost Over Double Crop Soybeans

    and open to the public, said Jason Hartschuh, an OSU Extension agricultural and natural resources ...

  7. Ohio Beef Quality Assurance Program Certification Now Available Online through New Ohio State Website: Assures Consumers of Beef Quality and Safety

    in agriculture and natural resources, agrees with the value of the program. He said the Beef Quality ...

  8. How The Nature Conservancy's In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program is Working to Raise the Bar

    water resource community can be involved   The Clean Water Act operates on a principle of “no net loss” ... offset by compensatory mitigation.  In the past those seeking permits for impacts to aquatic resources ...

  9. Farm Science Review Seeks to Break New Ground

    research, resources, information and access for farmers, said Chuck Gamble, who manages the Review. “How do ...

  10. Ohio State Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo

    Northstar Cafe Ohio Dept. Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Law Enforcement Section Ohio ...
