
Search results

  1. Engaged Scholar: Tim McDermott Recognized by Outreach and Engagement

    agriculture and natural resources, with OSU Extension in Franklin County, as an Engaged Scholar. Tim has built ...

  2. 2023 Good Agricultural Practices Training Policy Update

    resources we’d like to share with you: Overview of how we are addressing the need for training within ...

  3. Join Appalachia Cooperates Initiative Network Calls

    cooperative projects, discuss best practices, and learn about cooperative development resources. This informal ...

  4. Honoring the late Godwin Apaliyah

    the news of a colleague and friend passing, especially when that person is so full of life, joy, and ...

  5. Mental Health Resources List and Farm Stress Certified Provider Directory are Now Available   This list is intended to be a resource for individuals who may wish to see a licensed therapist ... day to this directory. The attached Extension Mental Health Resources summary contains information ... about other sites and resources that are available. These may be helpful if you have a client who asks ...

  6. Racial Profiling and Violence Awareness Reminder

    -submitted by Whitney Gherman, DEI specialist and Extension educator As we witnessed in the news ...

  7. USDA Mental Health Awareness Month Workshop Series Continues Through June 6

    challenges, stressors, and the resources and services available to address them. Learn more and register at ...

  8. Building, Maintaining and Managing Liability on Recreational Trails Info will be Available at May 5 Escape to the Forest Webinar

    natural resources, Auglaize County, and Peggy Hall, field specialist, agriculture and resource law. ...

  9. May Buckeye Wellness Tip: Stroke Awareness Month

    and resources for consumers and health care providers at ...

  10. Thoughts from the Director

    director, Agriculture and Natural Resources). The search committee, chaired by Elizabeth Hawkins, has ... a large entity, and there are hundreds of requests under review by the Office of Human Resources ...
