
Search results

  1. UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC

    being interviewed by former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw and helping identify key players in the story, ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: Resources can help measure financial fitness (July 2012)

    July 18, 2012 We have little debt, but we also have trouble putting money into savings on a regular basis. I feel pretty comfortable with our family finances, but how can I tell if we’re really doing OK? Determining fiscal fitness isn’t always easy. But y ...

  3. Scholarship Golf Tournament Returns This Summer

    After a year's hiatus, the Ohio State ATI Scholarship Golf Tournament will return on Thursday, July 21 at Hawk's Nest Golf Course in Creston. The format is a four-person scramble with a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. The cost is $65 per person, whic ...

  4. Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty

    Dr. Uttara Samarakoon – Samarakoon is an assistant professor in the greenhouse and nursery management program. She received a Bachelor of Sciences degree with honors from the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka in agriculture with a specialization in ho ...

  5. Four with Wooster campus connections honored by CFAES

    The CFAES Alumni Society sponsors an annual awards program to recognize individuals whose careers have enabled them to make significant contributions to the college. This year, four of the recipients have connections to the Wooster campus. They were honor ...

  6. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    Shirley Badger joined the Ohio State ATI faculty in 1976, teaching for 33 years before her retirement in 2009. And since then, she has been one busy person. The most important part of her post-retirement life, she says, has been her work as a hospice volu ...

  7. Global Warming in Your Garden? Common Plants, Bugs Reveal Important Climate Changes

    pest-management program,” Herms said. “But we also see them as educational resources to create ...

  8. New Grants Target Cooperative Development

    with their own resources. For more information on the Ohio Cooperative Development Center and the ...

  9. Get the Benefits of Cover Crops at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Districts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm Service Agency, and the Ohio No-Till ...

  10. CTTC Record Crowd Looking to Conservation Practices for On-Farm Savings

    OSU Extension, OARDC, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Ohio Soil and Water Conservation ...
