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  1. College Credit Plus

    2244T Human Resource Management and Leadership – “A study of human resource, supervisory, and leadership ...

  2. Spotted Lanternfly Update- News to Know

    multiple generations- nymphs and adults.    Here is some resources that can be helpful to grow your SLF ...   Host Plant Information  The spotted lanternfly has been reported  feeding on over 103 species of ...

  3. Basic Home Food Preservation: Canning, Drying and Freezing

    will focus on food safety, fresh produce, and resources for up-to-date food preservation in your ...

  4. Events

    pollination, melon variety evaluation, and more. These events will also showcase a hands-on scouting and ...

  5. Study Implemention

    Cucurbit Pollinator Survey Local Food Market Channel Census Local Food Market Price Report Spotted ...

  6. Poison Hemlock- News To Know

    Poison hemlock is gaining notoriety in NW Ohio and is seemingly popping up across the area. Currently it is in flower and towering along roadsides and other unkept areas. Flowers that are blooming now, will be setting seeds that will continue to produce p ...

  7. Explore, Connect, Collab

    and resources on business and marketing plan development, cooperative opportunities and ...

  8. Jr. Master Gardener Program (K-12)

    Extension.  The program teaches kids K-12 how to grow and maintain a garden.  We also have a small pollinator ...

  9. May 2024 Highlights

    The department hosted their annual graduation party and celebrated 27 undergraduate students, 5 master’s students, and 5 PhD’s who graduated during spring semester. We also published a special edition graduation newsletter that gave the graduates a chance ...

  10. New guide designed to help launch more student agricultural co-ops

    toolkit are links to 15-18 Ohio State University South Centers developed resources and five external ... public resources, including videos, worksheets, presentations, and publications that can help support the ...
