
Search results

  1. Autumn 2013 SENR Seminar Series

    a Broader Understanding of Scalar Re-Organisation of Natural Resource Governance: Determining Factors and ... scalar organisation. It is concluded that changes in the interrelated value of the resources, in ...

  2. Can fish see the bait on the hook? New grant helps to answer this question.

    School of Environment and Natural Resources assistant professor Suzanne Gray was recently awarded ...

  3. Fish-Sampling Techniques Workshop

    by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Wildlife (ODW) and Ohio Environmental ...

  4. SENR Symposium Highlights Graduate Research

    symposium,” according to Dr. Robyn Wilson a faculty member in the School of Environment and Natural Resources ...

  5. Farm Science Review: Good Green Reasons to Go to the Gwynne

    resources at a demonstration and education site called the  Gwynne Conservation Area. The area is at the ... natural resources, including ponds, woods and wildlife, at Farm Science Review Sept. 22-24. (Photo: ...

  6. Steven K. Lower

    University Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources Professor, School of Earth Sciences ...

  7. OARDC Day with the Department Staff

    the Department Staff are the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), OSU Campus ...

  8. Can You Trust Green Labels? Find Out Sept. 15

    Environment and Natural Resources. The school is in the university’s College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  9. GradRoots' Welcome Back BBQ

    Resources. The cookout will be on the west side of Kottman Hall starting at 12:00 noon. ...

  10. CNN Hero of the Year, a Cleaner of Rivers, to Speak at Ohio State

    Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), part of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...
