
Search results

  1. CFAES welcomes Chris Delisio as chief advancement officer

    CFAES’s evolving advancement strategy with a central focus on increasing resources to address the ...

  2. Nicol to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    develops lesson plans for activities presented by agriscience education interns and develops resource and ...

  3. Ohio State's new tobacco free policy kicks off Jan. 1

    other resources on the tobacco free website.  As Ohio State strives to enhance the general health and ...

  4. 8th Annual Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference

                                                                                         Our two-day conference will afford organizations the opportunity to explore tools and resources ...

  5. Buckeyes In Your Corner

    Our February BIYC event will be on Wednesday, Feb. 20 th  from 6:00-7:00 PM in the Animal Sciences Arena featuring a panel of animal science graduates that are now in the College of Veterinary Medicine.  They will be sharing personal anecdotes of struggle ...

  6. Campus News


  7. ACEL Students Receive Academic Scholarships

    a 3.00 GPA or better enrolled in Human and Community Resource Development engaged in the study and/or ... Department of Human and Community Resource Development with an emphasis on extension education. Recipients: ... Human and Community Resource Development Supports a scholarship for an entering freshman student ...

  8. Holiday Trains

    Once again our Chair, Dr. John Foltz, has shared his train sets to help decorate for the holidays. This year, both 110 Animal Science Building and 116 Plumb Hall have trains. To celebrate, we're having a friendly competition between the offices! Join ...

  9. Processed Meats Product Show

    The Processed Meats (MEATSCI 4510) class will present its final products on Wednesday, December 5, from 9:10am-11:15am in 117 Animal Science Building, to visitors who want to taste and judge the students' creations. Individuals or teams will produce ...

  10. Frequently Asked Questions

    important to have access to have a good reliable internet connection. Additional computer resources can be ... found through the University’s IT Resources. (Link) ...
