
Search results

  1. Proper Storage Important to Keeping Seeds Viable

    freezing which allows for seed storage of up to 20 years. The National Center for Genetic Resources ...

  2. Researchers Evaluating Switchgrass Production in Ohio

    of Environment and Natural Resources soil scientist and director of the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  3. Soybean Breeding Program Growing to Meet Industry Demands

    resources with industry), OARDC's soybean breeding program has been able to keep the state's ...

  4. Looking Back on Four Decades of No-Till Research

    Resources Conservation Service. The OARDC no-till plots, located in Wooster, Ohio, were established by Ohio ...

  5. Grain Bin Safety News

    Harvest season seems to be a natural time to discuss grain bin safety. A recent story in the NY Times, and a companion video of the death of a teenager are circulating the country and generating a lot of good discussion about education and engineering sol ...

  6. FRESH: The New Frontier for Ag safety and Health Resources

    Listen in to this FREE webinar to learn more about the eXtension program, especiall the Ag. Safety and Health information. Aaron M. Yoder, PhD, eXtension Safety Associate and Instructor, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Penn State Ag ...

  7. April 2016


  8. Speakers and Panelists

    Resources at The Ohio State University. She also is Chair of the Rural Sociology Graduate Program. Dr. ... Review of Resource Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and ...

  9. Freshwater Prawn Finding Niche in Ohio Aquaculture

    invite them to our facility, analyze what resources they have and need, and put together a business plan ...

  10. Exotic Tree Pest Generating Concern in Forestry/Nursery Industries

    concern among natural resource professionals, entomologists and forest service officials because of the ...
