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AWBC on the Oval
Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is having a fundraiser on the oval from 12-4 on Tuesday, April 25th and they will be selling homemade dog treats and toys for $2 each or $3 for both! ...
Banner Photo of the Week
This week's pet is thanks to Samantha Smith! Max sadly passed away this past year, but summer was his favorite! "Loving the feeling of sun on my fur, the smell of flowers in the air, and I can almost taste the food dropping on the ground from t ...
The Power of the Pet
Special Screening of Dean Rustin Moore's TedxTalk with Live Q&A! When: 5:30pm Thursday April 20th Q&A with Dean Moore to begin 5:45 Where: 200 Campbell Hall Free Admission! Presented by the Human Animal Interactions Club ...
Hawkins Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame
Resources: Distinguished Teaching Award, Distinguished Service Award, Outstanding Academic Advisor, and ...
2013 Sheep Grazing Management Tour
learn. Resource people for the day will be Bob Hendershot of Green Pasture Services, Jeff McCutcheon, OSU ...
2017 Tri-State Dairy Undergraduate Program
Attend the New Undergraduate program at the 2017 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference! Undergraduate Monday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 18! Free registration, hotel, meals and conference fees for students! Please register online at their site. If you h ...
Celebration of Students
Showcase your culture. Present your country. Represent your region. Share food, music, decorations, crafts, memorabilia Tuesday April 4th 3:30 to 5:30 pm at the Ag Admin Auditorium. To participate, visit the link. For more info, contact Pamela Thomas. C ...
Time for Change Week
Time for Change Week is a collaboration between student organizations and campus administrators focusing on environmental awareness and community engagement among the student body. No matter what a student’s major, beliefs, affiliation, or interests, ever ...
Communiqué August 28, 2013
leverage talent and resources from across the university to develop educational tools and programming, and ... Resources; and the Center of Automotive Research. In addition, multi-state collaborations have been ...
TEDx Ohio State University
Ticket sales for TEDxOhioStateUniversity’s 6th annual event have been live for a couple weeks now, and we're predicting to sell out by the middle of next week, so purchase your tickets ASAP! This year’s theme, Precipice, will offer our nine speakers ...