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4-H Cloverbuds & State Fair Workshop
breakout rotation sessions for all to attend; volunteer training, Cloverbud resources, organizing and ...
Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Kits Provide a Teaching Tool for 4-H Volunteers
ideas? Volunteers have access to easy-to-use teaching resources for 4-H Cloverbud meetings. As the result ...
Be a Hero for Military Kids 5k
OMK's goal is to connect military youth and families with local resources in order to achieve a sense of ...
Farm Liability Insurance
a good answer. Recently Peggy Hall, OSU Extension Ag Law Resource Program and Emily Adams, Extension ...
Farm Science Review
something for everyone with an agricultural or natural resources interest. In addition to all the latest ...
4-H News and Notes- May 7, 2015
Clinics- May 23rd and June 20th Helpful Information and Resources for Poultry Skillathon Sheep and Market ...
Avian Influenza
background and resources about avian influenza. USDA web page that ...
Masambuka delivers presentation to Prince Albert II of Monaco on behalf of the Global Water Institute
“encourages sustainable and fair management of natural resources and places humankind at the center of its ...
ACEL alum named director of Ohio State ATI
Dr. Boone is responsible for managing the administrative, human, and financial resources for Ohio ...
Buck receives national educator award
of the School of Environment and Natural Resources. ...