
Search results

  1. Dr. Lyda Garcia Brings Passion for Meat Science & Agriculture to the Department

    Garcia was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources ...

  2. NEWS: Outstanding Students Recognized

    Wooster, OH-- Ohio State ATI recognized its outstanding students at the 29th annual Student Recognition Banquet on April 3. Students were selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, campus involvement, and work experience. Two students were ...

  3. Career Development Workshops

    12:30pm) LUNCH & LEARN Natural Resource Management majors Resume Workshop, Kottman 382 ·         ...

  4. Education Abroad Opportunities for ATI students

    Scholarships will be awarded to two students from ATI campus to participate in the Panama Education Abroad experience. ...

  5. 2014 Ohio Beef Cattle School

    Agriculture and Natural Resources, OSU Extension-Wayne County will outline grazing management practices that ...

  6. Holiday Trains

    Once again our Chair, Dr. John Foltz, has shared his train sets to help decorate for the holidays. This year, both 110 Animal Science Building and 116 Plumb Hall have trains. To celebrate, we're having a friendly competition between the offices! Join ...

  7. ATI's Peggy Lambert receives Distinguished Staff Award

    effective and efficient university operations. The Office of Human Resources awards honorees a $1,500 cash ...

  8. Processed Meats Product Show

    The Processed Meats (MEATSCI 4510) class will present its final products on Wednesday, December 5, from 9:10am-11:15am in 117 Animal Science Building, to visitors who want to taste and judge the students' creations. Individuals or teams will produce ...

  9. Dr. Lisa Bielke's Early Agricultural Interests Lead to Research Improving Poultry Health

    Department, plus the availability of campus-wide resources. The Departmental support staff and animal care ...

  10. One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet

    natural resources community for networking, great speakers and presentations, and a warm breakfast on the ...
