
Search results

  1. OSU Organic Crop Field Day

    and consumers. Today, OFFER’s land resources include over 75 acres of land on three farms near Wooster ...

  2. Farm Science Review to be held September 16-18

    demonstration and education area for agriculture and natural resources management practices. The Gwynne is home ...

  3. Ohio AgrAbility Hosts Training: How State Agencies and Community Organizations can Collaborate to Support Farmers with Disabilities

    to continue farming with a disabling condition   •Access information and available resources so they ...

  4. December 2019 Highlights

    Congratulations to two FST alumni who have been selected as 2020 CFAES Alumni Award honorees.  Dr. Bill Hildebolt  has been seletced to receive a CFAES Meritorious Service Award and Dr. Robert Joseph  was selected to receive a Distinguished Alumni Award. ...

  5. Resources

    Ohio AgrAbility is committed to providing useful information and resources that can be helpful for ... farmers and family members. Our resources come in a variety of formats including newsletters, fact sheets, ... print materials, videos and supportive website links. Select a tab to the left to discover the resources ...

  6. Agronomy

    convenience. Corn Production Resources Corn Diseases: Corn Insects and Insecticides: Corn Growth and ... Resources Soybean Disease and Fungicides: Soybean Weeds and Herbicides:  Soybean Insects and Insecticides: ... potential losses. Wheat Production Resources Wheat Diseases and Fungicides Wheat Weeds and Herbicides Wheat ...

  7. Replacing Grain Bin Ladders with Stairs

    Ohio AgrAbility is to offer resources and education to all farmers on how to reduce the risks of ...

  8. March 2019 Highlights

    Congratulations to Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores who has received a 2019 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Educator Award. He will be recognized during the NATCA Conference this June. One of the central purposes of NACTA is to recogn ...

  9. June 2019 Highlights

    Dr. Devin Peterson has been named the faculty director for the Foods for Health (FFH) program, part of the Discovery Themes initiative. Dr. Rafael Jiménez-Flores, the J. T. “Stubby” Parker Endowed Chair in Dairy Foods, assumed the role of president of the ...

  10. September is Food Safety Month Chow Line is a service of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and its ...
