
Search results

  1. Employee Training Resources for Animal Care in the Dairy Industry

    Ryan McMichael, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mercer County, O hio State ... doesn’t have a training program setup or perhaps it may need to be updated, there are several resources ... available to assist farms with their needs. One of the resources would be to seek out and utilize the ...

  2. Peggy Hall

    Peggy Hall Field Specialist, Agricultural & Resource Law Agricultural & Resource Law 2120 ...

  3. Kendra Stahl

    Kendra Stahl Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources ...

  4. How Climate Affects Corn Production

    (pollination) and grainfill stages. Corn yield may be reduced 1.5 bushels per acre for each day the temperature ... reaches 95 degrees Fahrenheit, or higher, during pollination and grainfill. Extended periods of hot, dry ... water use during pollination, when plants are silking.  Excessive rainfall, resulting in flooding and ...

  5. Weather Update: A Slow Drought Improvement

    Rapid Response Team continues to manage the  drought response resource site and encourage readers to ...

  6. OSU Extension Weather Extremes Committee and the State Climate Office of Ohio to Host Climate Smart: Farming with Weather Extremes

    following sponsors: Platinum- Ag Resource Management and Carbon by Indigo; Gold- AgCredit, Leist Mercantile, ...

  7. Marina Miquilini

    Marina Miquilini Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources Greene County ...

  8. Stan Smith

    Stan Smith Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources Fairfield County- 831 College Ave, ...

  9. Herbicide Injury

    resources exist with pictures of the abovementioned injury symptoms associated with different herbicide ...

  10. Crop Water Use in Corn – What Do We Know?

    field inspection also finds emerged silks that are needed to pollinate ovules on the developing ears ... reaching its peak daily need during the pollination period (when tassels are developed and silks are ... be a resource to mitigate some of that. Research in Ohio on drought tolerant corn can be found here: ...
