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  1. CD Weekly Wire- November 26, 2012

    ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: New Issue of Communiqué now Available: A new issue of the Communiqué ...

  2. How to keep up with the VP and Dean

    The life of a college administrator is a busy one! Bruce McPheron, Ohio State's vice president for agricultural administration and dean of CFAES, provides several ways for you to keep up with what's happening across the college. If you're e ...

  3. CFAES Staff Advisory Council honors four

    The CFAES Staff Advisory Council (SAC) held its annual luncheon Nov. 21 in the Ohio Union’s Cartoon Room to honor four staff members nominated by their peers for excellence. Ron Hendrick, senior associate dean of CFAES, provided the opening remarks, inclu ...

  4. 'Receiving a scholarship makes an enormous difference for students and their families'

    Creating a setting that could be described as "rustic elegance," CFAES celebrated excellence and opportunity at its 2013 Fall Scholarship Dinner Nov. 6. About 250 guests, including scholarship donors, their recipients, and CFAES faculty and staf ...

  5. HCS students get a Golden Opportunity

    Congratulations to CFAES students Michael Hannewald, a senior studying sustainable plant systems (specialization in agronomy, agribusiness minor), and Stephanie Verhoff, a senior agronomy major, plant pathology minor. The American Society of Agronomy, the ...

  6. A strategic roadmap for the future: ATI re-envisioning process set to start

    CFAES is about to undertake a transformational re-envisioning process for Ohio State ATI. This process will involve capturing stakeholder input (both internal and external), gathering and evaluating data/feedback, and creating a strategic roadmap for the ...

  7. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    Established in 1996 and supported by an appropriation from the Ohio General Assembly to OARDC, SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program, is unique among U.S. state-assisted universities. In fostering high-quality research among sci ...

  8. College Faculty Approves Professional Practice Faculty Track

    In a recent vote, a majority (184, yes; 29, no) of the eligible tenure-track faculty of CFAES voted to approve the proposal to establish a professional practice (i.e., clinical) faculty track, as discussed in the Sept. 3 all-faculty meeting. The proposal ...

  9. Cultural Intelligence Training of Trainers is Coming in April

    Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to have effective interactions across cultures. Cultural intelligence goes beyond the ability to recognize and appreciate differences across cultures. Academic research has provided empirical results that demonstr ...

  10. Students Travel to National Conference

    Columbus, Ohio – On Thursday, November 7, 29 students from The Ohio State University traveled west to Kansas City, Missouri to take part in the Agriculture Future of America Leaders Conference. The AFA Leaders Conference provides support for college men a ...
