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  1. Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative

    not transformed for the 21st century, that has very limited resources, that has outdated management, ... globalization and the importance of working internationally, but in order to do it you need to put resources ...

  2. EEDS Program Graduate: How I Launched My Sustainability Career

    and Natural Resources. EEDS provides the core knowledge and skills students need to launch a career in ...

  3. Call for Abstracts

    analysis Agricultural economics and policy Environmental and resource economics Development economics ...

  4. Maps

      (PDF) Land Use Trends & Information- (NRI) National Resource Inventory Maps Change in Urban Land ...

  5. Momentive and Ohio State Students Partner for Sustainability Study

    jointly by the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) and the Department of Agricultural, ...

  6. Groundbreaking Ceremony featured in Daily Record

    provided a lot of resources and a lot of people and the "resilient" OARDC community, Slack said. ...

  7. Ohio State’s Andersons Program in International Trade Offers New Research on How Carbon Taxes May Impact the North American Aluminum Industry

    of locations, including the 2014 World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists in Istanbul, ...

  8. Government Shutdown Aside, Sequester Cuts Potentially Devastating

    and human resource experts use it to understand labor market trends and gaps. Without this data, the ...

  9. The Faces of AEDE: Edith Lazaro, AEDE Master of Science Student in Agricultural Economics

    experience as a Master student. Lazaro notes that she’s currently enjoying the increased access to resources ...

  10. Bioprocessing Research Lab- People

    University  in Costa Rica in Agricultural Sciences and Conservation of Natural Resources. At EARTH, Eddie ...
