
Search results

  1. Maple Resources

    test for Lead in Maple Syrup Lead Testing Resources Maple Syrup Labeling Ohio Maple Regulations (ODA) ...

  2. Quasar Energy Plant Tour

    OH on October 19th. The Quasar Energy Plant converts biomass into renewable resources using anaerobic ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire- February 10, 2014

    a comprehensive collection of program evaluation-related resources you can access from your computer. Another ... (, Extension Human Resources. CarmenConnect Office Hours to be held on First Mondays: Many of you are ... ***************************************************************************** REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: Your Input is needed for Video Creation Workshop: A video creation ...

  4. Labor Market Restructuring in Shale Booms

    “natural resource curse.” Results suggest that the impact of shale development on employment is modest with ...

  5. America's Farmlands: A Land Reserve for Societal Expansion or a Natural Resource Crown Jewel

    Many of society's greatest challenges lie at the interface of ecology, natural resource ...

  6. IATRC Theme Day Organized and Sponsored by the Andersons Program in International Trade

    “Food and Resources: Conflict and Trade,” with the program consisting of presentations from the ...

  7. Recreation Demand for Great Lakes Beaches and Responses to Algae

    Frank Lupi, Professor, Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics at Michigan State University, ...

  8. Meet Zoë Plakias, Assistant Professor of Agribusiness

    Development Economics as a recent graduate of the Agricultural and Resource Economics doctoral program at the ...

  9. Darke and Shelby Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    resources, and the environment.  Overview briefs and presentations from the Dean's preview meeting on ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- September 10, 2012

    Web pages, CD Quarterly News articles, promotional flyers, etc. ... read the complete article, visit ... natural resources professionals, Extension educators, and land managers who have an interest in this ...
