
Search results

  1. Energize Ohio

    Energize Ohio resources and opportunities for renewable energy production, development, marketing, ...

  2. Funding Philosophy – Grants, Contracts, Partnerships

    resources provided by contracts, grants, gifts, and user fees are pursued and accepted when: The proposed ...

  3. Sherman completes internship with OSU Extension, Franklin County

    extension educator and associate professor of agriculture and natural resources for OSU Extension, Franklin ...

  4. Ohio State’s AgriNaturalist named top student produced magazine

    expanding resources for advancing agriculture and related disciplines through and-grant and other colleges ...

  5. Holidady 2-for-1 Offer

    program by adding resources for the Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens for 2018 and beyond. Keep ...

  6. ACEL Graduate Student Association Graduate Development Conference

    Abstracts and Research Ideas Session II: Dissemination of Research Session III: Research Resources- How to ...

  7. Planning for a Successful Timber Harvest- for Woodland Owners in southeastern Ohio

    Extension, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (divisions of Forestry and Soil and Water), Glatfelter, ... covered will include: Ohio’s forest resources and forest industry The role of timber harvesting in woodlot ... (; 1-877-424-8288) and other resources available to help woodland owners with the process of ...

  8. Frequently Asked Questions – designEXT

    requiring human resources, legal, finance, and college leadership approvals are met. Sometimes the projected ... centralization of the CFAES business services center and human resources, a number of Extension-specific support ... position type. Performance review is a human resources function.      The Learning and Organization ...

  9. Welcome to our New Website!

    extension on-line resource!  We invite you to explore our website and uncover the wealth of information ... several Extension bulletings and factsheets under "Resources" and one-click away for downloading ...

  10. Supervision of Program Assistants/Program Coordinators

    input from appropriate educator). Provide and approve adequate equipment and resources (travel, ...
