
Search results

  1. NEWS: Outstanding Students Recognized

    Wooster, OH-- Ohio State ATI recognized its outstanding students at the 29th annual Student Recognition Banquet on April 3. Students were selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, campus involvement, and work experience. Two students were ...

  2. Education Abroad Opportunities for ATI students

    Scholarships will be awarded to two students from ATI campus to participate in the Panama Education Abroad experience. ...

  3. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    Resources and Director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center.    ...

  4. 2004 Ohio Dairy Management Conference- Recap of Ray Nebel's presentation: Keys to a Successful Reproductive Management Program

    "fixed"? 4) Are there predictable patterns you can apply resources to?, and 5) Are you willing to make ...

  5. An Experience with Monitoring Water Usage on Dairy Farms

    efficient way to conserve our planet's most valuable natural resource, water. The organization believes ...

  6. ATI's Peggy Lambert receives Distinguished Staff Award

    effective and efficient university operations. The Office of Human Resources awards honorees a $1,500 cash ...

  7. USAID’s Global Food Security Program names two CFAES graduate students Borlaug Fellows

    and Natural Resources, and  Anna Testen, Ph.D student in the Department of Plant Pathology, were each ... Environment and Natural Resources and Director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center at Ohio ...

  8. VOLUME 20, ISSUE 6


  9. New Animal Disease Traceability Rule Announced by USDA

    Ms. Peggy Hall, Agriculture and Resource Law Specialist, The Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Using Nutrient Cost to Benchmark Your Nutrition Costs

    Dairy News, we will show you how you can calculate a nutrition cost benchmark for your own herd and ...
