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  1. March 2017 Highlights

    Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam has been named the 2017 recipient of the Calvert L. Willey Distinguished Service Award and will be recognized at the IFT Annual Meeting. Dr. Emmanuel Hatzakis has been named the 2017 recipient of the Samuel Cate Prescott Award for ...

  2. FACT Field Day

    equipment for fertilizer placement. Each program varies slightly to utilize on-site resources. Refer to the ...

  3. Environmental Rules for Animal Agriculture- Who Are You Going to Call?, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR): ... Resources Conservation Service: provides information on soil capabilities, surface and subsurface drainage, ...

  4. 2016 OSU CARES Seed Grants

    chief human resources and ethics officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services, Traci Lepicki, ... Environmental Sciences; Peggy Hall, assistant professor, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources ... and Environmental Sciences; Heather Neikirk, extension educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources and ...

  5. February 2017 Highlights

    Congratulations to Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona who is the recipient of the 2017 OSU Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching. Congratulations to the following faculty who have recently received award recognition from the OARDC: Dr. Melvin Pascall who has been ...

  6. Congratulations SBDC team members Chris Smalley and Melissa Carter

    and various systems that can be put in place. He also recruits key resource individuals to speak in ...

  7. OEFFA pre-conference workshop

    Each participant will receive resources, including handouts and sample kits, to take home.   For more ...

  8. Building Great Partnerships

    collaborative efforts between the two Universities. Through their contribution of time, resources, ideas and ... Centers have shared resources in promoting programs that enhance clients, students, and businesses ...

  9. Who's Who

    resource management skills to the position as well immense knowledge of and experience with the dairy ...

  10. Labor Management Workshop

    them in managing the human resources (HR) program on their dairy farm. Thus, the intended audience is ...
