
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-21

    about options for POST control.  There is not a lot of good news here unless the field is planted with ...

  2. CFAES students make mark at Borlaug Global Food Security Institute

    Three CFAES graduate students recently participated in the U.S. Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security, an annual two-week-long educational program for graduate students attending U.S. institutions who are interested in developing a holistic und ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-03 Crop Production Input Outlook and Budget Scenarios for 2006 Authors: Barry Ward Crop production ... excellent crop production information resource for over 20 years. Stop by your OSU Extension office to get ... an updated copy. It is also available as a downloaded file from our OhioLine web resources ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-19

    maintain the existing stand. One helpful resource from the University of Minnesota is the “Soybean Growers ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-36 An additional resource for natural air grain drying in Ohio is OSU Extension Bulletin 805, ...

  6. West named director of food systems and industry relations

    Greg West has assumed the role of the college's director of food systems and industry relations. ...

  7. ‘Special type of leader’: McPheron named Ohio State provost

    Dr. Bruce A. McPheron became The Ohio State University's executive vice president and provost on a permanent basis on June 1. Ohio State President Michael V. Drake named McPheron, an alumnus who had returned to serve as CFAES dean and had served as i ...

  8. Please join the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State Fair on Tuesday, August 2

    Stop by the Ohio State Fair to meet students and staff from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences on Tuesday, August 2 for a special CFAES alumni, friends and future student experience.  ...

  9. Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties

    The Ohio Agricultural Council recently announced its 2016 Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame inductees, and some faces familiar to CFAES are among them: alumnus and supporter Jack Fisher, alumnus Dick Isler, and former OSU Extension director Keith Smith.  All ...

  10. You're Invited: CFAES Reception in Chicago!

    Join in on a celebration of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and reconnect with alumni and friends in Chicago this month. The deadline is approaching so register now.   ...
