
Search results

  1. Vacations

    This morning on the news, I happened to overhear that according to a survey, (I missed which one), ...

  2. Direct Marketing Resources

    Presentations Selling Your Products Online, (pdf) Melissa Carter, Business Development Specialist, OSU South Centers Drive-Thru Market Webinar Links Hyde Park Farmers Market Local Line Emails Jeanie Haddox, The Howard Hughes Corporation R. Howard, Bismarc ...

  3. CFAES Report Focuses on Ways to Increase Rural Access to Broadband Internet in Ohio

    a White House news release. The Swank report says bridging the digital divide and extending access to ...

  4. News from the ATI Admin Team

    Please see the notes below regarding LOTS of concerns. We are in a fluid situation; so reading your email is critically important. This includes emails from ATI, Dean Kress, and other university administrators.  ...

  5. China Curbing Purchases of U.S. Soybeans

    the world’s largest oilseed producer, told Bloomberg News that China has essentially stopped buying ...

  6. FlipGrid

    I have sent information about Flipgrid before but I wanted to provide a link to information about their educator innovation week on Aug 3-7. I will be providing a short training on Flipgrid when all of the faculty return but I thought I would provide this ...

  7. New grandbaby!

    Please congratulate Cindy Shelly and help welcome the newest member of the family.   ...

  8. New baby!

    Congratulations to Robby and Alyssa Frutchey for the birth of their daughter, Emma Marie, on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. ...

  9. Digital Accessibility Policy Training

    To meet the university requirement for digital accessibility, Digital Accessibility Policy awareness training is being recommended for all faculty/staff. The training is brief and highlights the importance of digital accessibility in fostering an equitabl ...

  10. Scout Alfalfa for Potato Leafhoppers

    to sample for PLH. Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator ...
