
Search results

  1. TRIO Student Support Services Grant

    I am very pleased to share with you that our 2020-2025 TRIO Student Support Services grant is funded! The success of this grant proposal is due in large part to the high-quality services provided by our Program Excel staff and the academic success of the ...

  2. Combine Cleaning to Prevent Spread of Weeds

    minimize the spread of weed seeds between fields.  In a 2016 Iowa State University online crop news article ...

  3. Is your headshot looking dated?

    office, Skou 200C, anytime that I'm there (i.e., not during the resource fair from 11:30- 2). ...

  4. Germinate International Film Festival

    natural resources, and rural communities. Historically, researchers have found that rural communities and ... resources, astronomy, and community development topics. The workshops will be held at various locations ...

  5. Introducing Ohio State ATI's 2019 Homecoming Court

    with helpful resources. To be a Buckeye is not about just one person, its every single future, present, ...

  6. Farm Machinery Roadway Laws

    equipment on roadways.  Today’s column draws on information from the OSU Extension Agricultural and Resource ... you need a hard copy.   Rory Lewandowski is an OSU Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources ...

  7. Vacations

    This morning on the news, I happened to overhear that according to a survey, (I missed which one), ...

  8. Direct Marketing Resources

    Presentations Selling Your Products Online, (pdf) Melissa Carter, Business Development Specialist, OSU South Centers Drive-Thru Market Webinar Links Hyde Park Farmers Market Local Line Emails Jeanie Haddox, The Howard Hughes Corporation R. Howard, Bismarc ...

  9. FlipGrid

    I have sent information about Flipgrid before but I wanted to provide a link to information about their educator innovation week on Aug 3-7. I will be providing a short training on Flipgrid when all of the faculty return but I thought I would provide this ...

  10. New grandbaby!

    Please congratulate Cindy Shelly and help welcome the newest member of the family.   ...
