
Search results

  1. July 27 Field Day to Feature Field Crops

    assistant professor of environment and natural resources; Anthony Dobbels, research specialist in ...

  2. Get Your Fertilizer Applicator Certification at Mahoning County's July 26 Field Day

    resources,” said Barrett. “Farmers earn their living from the land and want to ensure the land is healthy and ...

  3. Field Crops Day at Northwest Research Station

    assistant professor of environment and natural resources; Anthony Dobbels, research specialist in ...

  4. Equine faculty participate in national conference

    Our equine faculty spent June 3rd-6th at the 2019 Equine Science Society meeting in Asheville, NC.  ...

  5. Livestock Manure and Weed Field Day

    resources educator, and Glen Arnold, OSU Extension educator and field specialist in manure nutrient ...

  6. Library closure

    The ATI Library will close temporarily while it undergoes renovation.   ...

  7. Update from Dr. Boone

    I did a little update for Carri Gerber’s team this week and realized: Dang, we have a lot going on.  So I thought I should write it up to share with you all. ...

  8. About Us

    businesses, organizations, and communities. Within OSU Extension, the Agriculture and Natural Resources team ... provides Ohioans resources and educational programs focusing on profitable and sustainable agriculture, ... a clean environment and proper stewardship of Ohio's natural resources. We invite you to explore our ...

  9. Ohio State Tour to Highlight Columbus' Growing Urban Agricultural Industry

    resources educator who works with the program to increase the number of urban farmers. For example, Columbus ...

  10. Remember to contact OCIO before purchasing online services or software

    Please do not purchase online software or services with your Pcard. ...
