
Search results

  1. Buckeyes will be impacted by changes to storage limits and University Email Services

    Microsoft is making dramatic changes to pricing for storage, which will require the university to reduce storage limits in OneDrive, Outlook and Teams. There are also impacts to lifetime email – current students will retain email for 2 years after graduat ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO Inspires Youth with Pathway Opportunities Exploration

    The Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO, an exciting event dedicated to exploring future career opportunities, concluded its summer session on a high note. From June 12-15, teens from across Ohio gathered on The Ohio State University campus for an immersive experience ai ...

  3. Department Administration

    Reed Johnson,  Graduate Studies Chair, Other resources COURSE DESIGN & ..., currently under construction, will soon be a resource for identification of various arthropods, ... community science and USDA resources below. Your images will be identified and may be used in projects ...

  4. Carol M. Anelli

    A brief history of The Practical Entomologist and its contributions to economic entomology. Ent. News 100: ...

  5. Dr. Fernanda Krupek

    Time and resources permitting, my next hobby is traveling to discover and learn new places and food ...

  6. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 12- Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn

    new leaves with nitrogen. What are more resources for fertility recommendations in Ohio? For more ...

  7. Weed Management in Hot, Dry Conditions

    resources with information related to weed management in hot, dry weather: Adjuvants with Herbicides: When ...

  8. Secrest Arboretum external road closure

    Based on the recommendations of a recently conducted independent traffic study, a section of Williams Road and Green Drive at Secret Arboretum will be closed to automobiles beginning on Monday, July 1. ...

  9. Regional Updates: June 4 – 10, 2024

    week for continued updates from across the state. Here are some helpful Extension resources as you ...

  10. Ohio State to host Manure Science Review in August

    by Frances Springer. Will Osterholz from the Natural Resources Conservation Service will then ...
