
Search results

  1. OARDC Impacts

    natural resources and the environment; keeping Ohio positioned favorably in a global economy. ...

  2. Pumpkin Field Night ...

  3. About

    of natural resources and the environment Keeping Ohio positioned favorably in a global economy The ...

  4. Valuing Urban Landscapes- The Ravines of Clintonville

    constitutes an agreement by the registrant to EPN and the School of Environment and Natural Resources use and ...

  5. Converging on Wicked Systems Problems- Presentation and Panel Discussion

    The lecture is part of the 75th Anniversary Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources (BANR) Lecture ...

  6. Research Resources

    OARDC's Research Profile Ohio State is one of only a few universities in the U.S. that, in a single location, houses 14 different colleges, including seven health sciences colleges and a college of agriculture. Research activities are emerging from d ...

  7. Important Issues in Water Quality and Nutrient Placement Conference

    a hot topic because seldom does a day go by without a news article on water issues such as algal blooms ... Water Ohio: A Strategy for Water Resources Management” by Larry Antosch, senior director, program ...

  8. OEC Emerging Leaders Program is seeking its 2020 Emerging Leaders Council!

    challenges by making inclusion a priority. [Influence] Provide resources to help young leaders discover their ...

  9. Satisfied Homeowners, Sustainable Planet- Energy Audits, Appliances, Lighting, Advanced Controls

    School of Environment and Natural Resources use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the ...

  10. Ohio's Water Resources and Citizens at Risk- Ag-related Practices and Policies to Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms

    This program featured Jeff Reutter (Ohio College Sea Grant Program) ...
