
Search results

  1. Long-term Global Agricultural Output Supply-Demand Balance and Real Farm and Food Prices

    mechanization. On the demand side, subsidies to expand demand for farming resources such as biofuels will need ...

  2. Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barns in Ohio

    excellent resource for those unable to attend the workshop but interested in more information.   Calendar of ...

  3. Event Recap: Towards the Measurement of Net Economic Welfare: Inter-temporal Environmental Accounting in the US Economy

    accounting estimates rates of growth (or contraction) in the stocks of valuable natural resources and the ...

  4. USDA Launches New Dairy Decision Tool that Ohio State Economist Helped Develop

    accompany the tool, the researchers have also developed a series of online educational resources and they ...

  5. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 6


  6. Technological Change in Crop Yields

    Alan P. Ker, Chair and Professor in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics at ...

  7. Dairy Farm Labor

    with non-farm laws and regulations. Human resource management is important in the long-run success of ...

  8. Update on Ohio's Program for Controlling Johne's Disease

    employed veterinarians and private practitioners have been valuable resources in this effort. The ...

  9. Effects of Overstocking on Cow Behavior, Welfare, and Productivity

    of cows which have to share a particular resource. However, the impact of overcrowding on cow ...

  10. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data?

    should not be used. 1 Published initially in the dairy nutrition series of DAIReNET, the dairy resource ...
