
Search results

  1. 2019 Lindsay Hill 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

    OSU's Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow are proud to host the 6th annual Lindsay Hill Memorial Tournament. The event will be held in the RPAC on March 23rd starting at 11. Teams will play a 3 on 3 game with one sub available for a 20 minute runn ...

  2. Goat Yoga

    CHAIRE is holding a goat yoga event on March 21 st  from 5:30pm-6:30pm or 7:00pm-8:00pm   for students, faculty and staff in the Animal Science Building Arena! The cost for students is $10 and the cost for faculty/staff is $20. Pre-registration is require ...

  3. Weekly Motivation!

    "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." — Eleanor Roosevelt ...

  4. Ohio Poultry Industry Networking Event

    The Ohio Poultry Association, along with the Ohio State University, invite you to participate in our first Ohio Poultry Industry Networking Event. Representatives from prominent poultry companies in Ohio will be there to discuss internship and job opportu ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Foundation Grants Deadline

    than the sole source of funds. Investments are made where the strategic use of resources are most in ...

  6. Russell Klein Nutrition Research Symposium

    Registration for the 2019 Russell Klein Nutrition Research Symposium is officially open! This year’s symposium will be held on  April 18 th  2019 from 8am-5pm at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. If you are registering to attend the event ...

  7. 1970's

    management of natural resources. Conger's family still continues its support of the camp. They have ... share the news about 4-H with others.     Theodore Spears, Senior At age eight, Theodore Spears joined ...


    The need is constant! CFAES will host a Blood Drive on February 14th from 10AM to 4PM at the Auditorium (2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43201). Walk-ups are always welcome, but if you can save time by filling out the paperwork beforehand at RedCrossBlood.o ...

  9. 2019 Academic Quadrathlon Competition

    Test your knowledge in Animal Science! Compete against your peers with team members that you select for a chance to represent Ohio State at the Midwestern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings. The First-place team will represent Ohio State ...

  10. Careers in Veterinary Public Health Pizza Night

    The Veterinary Public Health Program is hosting an informational Pizza Night for undergraduate students interested in careers in veterinary sciences. They invite you to join them for dinner and to learn about exciting career options in the Public health f ...
