
Search results

  1. Extension Today: Live Healthy in 2022

    numerous free fact sheets on various topics. We have several great resources for wellness beyond physical ... resources to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive as individuals, families, and ...

  2. Food and Picnic Safety

    resources for insight about cooking and handling picnic food properly, preventing food spoilage, and serving ...

  3. Dimensions of Wellness

    "Ohioans have the information, tools, and resources to actively engage in creating conditions in which they ...

  4. Spring Garden Preparation is Important

    what?  Soil tests provide more helpful information on soils than any other resource. Testing is an ... resources to support the home yard and gardening public, as well as green industry professionals. Team ...

  5. Extension Today: Apples in Ohio

    making wise selections of apple varieties. Start by checking out some of our best Extension resources and ... Massachusetts in 1774, and traveled throughout the country over the years. There are numerous resources online ...

  6. Extension Today: Beating the Winter Blues

    resources for great insight on managing and preventing stress, practicing mindfulness, gaining insight into ... resources out there. You can start with this  Mindfulness Tip Sheet, by Dr. Theresa M. Ferrari, an OSU ...

  7. Aging

    Resources Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP): Washington State University Cooperative Extension Aging ... on Elder Abuse  provides the latest information regarding research, training, best practices, news ... and resources on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation to professionals and the public. First ...

  8. Extension Today: Holiday Finances

    Some Options for Resourceful LIving (all about money) Don't Clash over Cash Holiday Shopping and ...

  9. Extension Today: Cupboard Cleanout

    sheets available on  Ohioline. Check out these resources for valuable suggestions to store food properly ...

  10. Insect Collection Guide

    This how-to resource guides you through collecting insects, what to pin and what to point, ...
