
Search results

  1. Courses Taught by Entomology Faculty

    Klinger ENTMLGY 2101 Pests, Plagues, Pollinators, and Poisons: Insects in Human Affairs, 3 units (45 ... Pollinators, and Poisons: Insects in Human Affairs, 3 units (13 students) Joe Raczkowski ENTMLGY 1100 Exploring ...

  2. Protecting Pollinators from Pesticides, webinar with Elizabeth Long

    different routes of pesticide exposure for pollinators, discusses the research methods used to identify ... these risks, and highlights steps we can take to promote and protect pollinators in our home, urban, and ...

  3. A Message from Vice Provost James L. Moore III

    Asian-Americans, have emerged on social and other news media. Further, a recent report from the California State ...

  4. Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

    This page provides links to resources to help you learn more about and better understand implicit ... bias and microaggressions. If you have resources that you would like to have shared on this page, ... please contact Dr. Leo Taylor ( Text Resources Reopening Campuses, Racial ...

  5. Protecting and Enhancing Pollinators in Urban Landscapes: New Multi-state Bulletin

    Protecting and Enhancing Pollinators in Urban Landscapes in the US North Central Region This 30 ... perennials, shrubs and trees) and details steps to create and maintain pollinator habitat. Pollinator ...

  6. Columbus Insectary and Bugmobile

    Contributed by Jeni Ruisch,  director, Insectary and Outreach Program The biggest news to come out ...

  7. Liam Whiteman

    Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Lab at Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory- Any- Journal article ...

  8. Bee Lab Research

    Insect pollinators are vital for the production of many fruits, nuts and vegetables, including ... insect pollinators, setting up a conflict between the need for pollination and the need for pest and ... disease control. In our lab we are seeking to understand how to protect pollinators from the pesticides ...

  9. Dr. Tiffany Halsell to join CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    practices. She has a Master of Education degree in Executive Human Resource Development and Bachelor of ...

  10. Pamela Thomas Retiring at the End of May

    the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) student organization ...
