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  1. Family and Consumer Sciences Resources

    2019 Project Dates and Committee Member Contacts #Clothing Project Information #Nutrition Project Information #Cake Decorating Project Information Clothing Project Information Clothing Judging Schedule Narration Form Nutrition Project Information Exhibito ...

  2. 2015 AgrAbility Virtual National Traing Workshop

    right chair for the farm. The virtual session is based on a new resource publication: Selecting and ...

  3. Ohio AgrAbility 2016 Peer to Peer Conferences

    resource. In return you may have experiences that can help others adapt and overcome their disability to ...

  4. Ohio AgrAbility Adds Two New Staff Members to the Project.

    resources, conducting presentations to farmers and agricultural groups, as well as providing on-site farm ...

  5. Ohio AgrAbility Program improving quality of life on the farm

    provide education, resources, and technical assistance to those individuals and their families so they may ...

  6. Common Uses on the Farm

    resources and information on worksite and process modification and prevention of secondary injuries. ...

  7. EFNEP

    children how to make healthier food choices, manage their food resources, improve their food safety ...

  8. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities Workshop

    • Identify resources and challenges that impact employment Keynote Workshop Speakers: • Patricia Wright, ...

  9. Disabilities Job Summit

    more impact on our state’s resources than nearly any activity of state government. It is RSC's ...

  10. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    • Identify resources and challenges that impact employment Keynote Workshop Speakers: • Patricia Wright, ...
