
Search results

  1. A Functional Assessment of Stream Restoration in Ohio

    of Soil and Water Resources. Dan and his colleague Laura Fay recently released a technical report, ...

  2. Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Inc.

    1996 by 16 watershed communities to support their efforts to protect their natural resources as land ... resource functions and subsequent increases in flooding, erosion, and water quality problems. Through CRWP ... introducing innovative practices that maintain natural resource functions and prevent or minimize flooding, ...

  3. Greenacres Saturday Stream Snapshop

    and its tributaries and to share this information with state and local water resources agencies, ...

  4. Sodium

    Distillation De-ionization WATER RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- Water Quality- Inorganic Chemical ...

  5. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    country How climate change is likely to affect future extreme weather events and their frequency Resources ... resources. ...

  6. Upper Big Walnut Creek Water Quality Partnership

    landowners, businesses, government agencies, and natural resource professionals.  It was established in 1996 ... water resource for the City of Columbus.  The goal of the partnership is to improve the water quality of ...

  7. Septic Maintenance and Upgrades

    demonstration projects, EPA contacts for state and local management assistance, in addition to other resources. ...

  8. How The Nature Conservancy's In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program is Working to Raise the Bar

    water resource community can be involved   The Clean Water Act operates on a principle of “no net loss” ... offset by compensatory mitigation.  In the past those seeking permits for impacts to aquatic resources ...

  9. Natural Channel Designs for Drainage Ditches

    Practices, two-stage ditch economics, and other benefits of using two-stage ditches. Resources Ohio Drainage ...

  10. The Clean Water Act, Wetlands & Stream Alteration: An Introduction

    water quality certification) and how you can engage in that process. Resources for learning more about ...
