
Search results

  1. Good Agricultural Practices

    Practices (GAPs). Learn about the scientific basis behind best practices and get helpful tools and resources ...

  2. Environmental Professional's Breakfast: “One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health-- Protecting People and Planet”

    environmental and natural resources community for networking, great speakers and presentations, and a warm ... David Hanselmann OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources 2021 Coffey Rd. Kottman Hall Columbus, ... Hanselmann School of Environment and Natural Resources Student participation   We encourage student ...

  3. OSU Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo- Winter 2014

    Environment and Natural Resources will be on hand to have discussions with prospective applicants and answer ...

  4. Good Agricultural Practices

    Practices. Through a strong scientific basis, they provide tools and resources to develop risk assessments ...

  5. India Gateway

    bio-industrial watersheds for sustainable use of natural resources and village livelihood improvement. 2006 ...

  6. Working Groups

    through campus and national networks, and approached through multi-disciplinary teams and resources ...

  7. City Context

    City Context: What is Unique About Extension Engagement in Cities? Resources Ohio City Data: ...

  8. Hellen Kanyagha: Promoting Use of IPM Strategies to Control Plant Diseases in Tanzania

    environmental pollution, and is wasteful of farmers’ economic resources. One of the most seriously misunderstood ...

  9. CFAES Awarded Distinguished U.S. Department of Agriculture Borlaug Fellowships

    Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, School of Envrionment and Natural Resources. Working ...

  10. Learning about Food in Urban Communities

    This resource will help cultivate community through food-related education and sustain economic ...
