
Search results

  1. 1970's

    management of natural resources. Conger's family still continues its support of the camp. They have ... share the news about 4-H with others.     Theodore Spears, Senior At age eight, Theodore Spears joined ...

  2. Training Support Fund

    support). The maximum amount that will be awarded is $500, resources are finite, and once the funds have ...

  3. 8th Annual Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference

                                                                                         Our two-day conference will afford organizations the opportunity to explore tools and resources ...

  4. Scholarships

    opportunities available.  Explore these resources below: Ohio State > Scholarships and Financial Aid Access ... to Education > OSU Resources For internship and student assistant opportunities in Plant ...

  5. 2015 4-H Project Book Reminders

    swine members includes a resource handbook that needs to be purchased once every five or more years, and ...

  6. Veterinary Feed Directive Information    This veterinary relationship can be thought of as similar to having a primary “family doctor” ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Foundation Grants Deadline

    than the sole source of funds. Investments are made where the strategic use of resources are most in ...

  8. Devastating Maize Disease Emerges in East Africa

    which was determined to be the cause of the crop losses.  Using diverse germplasm resources, screens for ... germplasm screening resources in East Africa and experiments in the US. Impact The first report of the ... collaboration between international scientists and organizations is an excellent example of how resources and ...

  9. Randall (Randy) C. Rowe

    award in 2012 > News release   In his retirement, Randy and his wife reside in the Wooster area.  ...

  10. Getting Grants: Finding Funding and Planning for Data Management

    Copyright Resources Center for an overview of issues associated with preparing and publishing images in ...
