
Search results

  1. Peace Corps General Information Meeting

    communities throughout the world by applying your skills in agriculture, environment & natural resources ...

  2. Peace Corps General Information Meeting

    communities throughout the world by applying your skills in agriculture, environment & natural resources ...

  3. Joint Veterinary Technology Program

    Are you interested in the joint veterinary technology program we have with Columbus State Community College?  Come learn more on Monday, Sept. 23 rd  at 5:00 PM in Plumb Hall 102.  If you’re unable to attend, please contact Mariette Benage to schedule an ...

  4. Lemelson-MIT Student Prize

    The   Lemelson-MIT Student Prize honors promising collegiate inventors around the country.  The Student Prize is open to teams of undergraduate students and individual graduate students who have technology-based inventions in categories that represent sig ...

  5. January 2018 Highlights

    Congratulations to the following FST friends and Alumni who will be recognized during the 2018 CFAES Alumni Awards luncheon on March 4, 2018. Meritorious Service Award Dale Seiberling (`50, BS, `51, MS, Dairy Technology) Young Professional Award Nutsuda S ...

  6. Farmer, Lumpe + McClelland Excellence in Communications Scholarship

    Lumpe + McClelland Excellence in Communications Scholarship, which was founded to provide resources to ...

  7. December 2017 Highlights

    The department has received the International HACCP Alliance accreditation for the spring semester HACCP class. Dr. Mary Kay Pohlschneider is the course instructor. Upon completion of the students will now receive a HACCP training certificate. The departm ...

  8. Women's Center Wednesday, Professional Development

    at The Ohio State University. Attendees will learn about University resources for women’s ...

  9. Grain Bin Rescue Workshop

    contact Agricultural & Natural Resource Educator Gigi Neal at 513-732-7070 or   ...

  10. News

