
Search results

  1. Spring planting delays may cause some farmers to make adjustments to improve yields

    Lindsey 614-292-9080 Extension Faculty and Staff OARDC News Tips and Events Research ...

  2. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) and a member of the project team who developed the ...  and click on “Tool.” Funding for the FRST project has been provided by the USDA’s Natural Resources ... Rakkar Extension Faculty and Staff Natural Resources and Environment Sherrie R. Whaley ...

  3. 4-H starts up a new career

    resources only helped create citations or were complicated and designed for professors.”  After discovering ... school and college students.  This free resource not only helps students keep all their sources and notes ...

  4. Foundation Grant Programs

    than the sole source of funds. Investments are made where the strategic use of resources is most in ... submission of the Impact Report, please see the resources below: Fiscal Reporting Instructions Impact Report ... resources below: Grant Outline   (Suggestion: use the outline to type out your responses in a separate ...

  5. Calendar of events

    afternoon of fun and education. Hands-on activities focused on natural resources education will help youth ...

  6. National 4-H Conference helps Ohio teens grow as leaders

    resources in Ross County and a chaperone on the trip. “The process helped them find their voice as young ...

  7. Summer Course Spotlight: Contemporary Animal Use Issues ...

  8. Note from David Civittolo

    and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and community development. ...

  9. Minding the Brand: Contacts and Conversations

    resource and may be used much as it was in the past. However, a main focus for Marissa will be making sure ... resources. The more complete information you can send to Marissa up front (e.g. anticipated deadline, general ...

  10. Engage: Extension Data Portal Update

    important news. In our March edition, a new playlist on the LOD YouTube channel was shared where you can ... ...
