
Search results

  1. For the home

    OSU Family and Consumer Sciences resources on Aging in Place and Universal Design in the home ...

  2. Quercus alba

    in general, are the best pollinator plants there are! In Ohio, Oaks support over  477 different ...

  3. Chadwick Arboretum Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser

    Have you heard our exciting Spring Plant Sale Fundraiser news?      We have been given approval to ...

  4. Technical information- tips for using your smart phone and other devices

    Tech2Connect- University of Wyoming resources connecting older adults and adults with disabilities ... with technical resources and training videos Click here for the University of Wyoming Tech2Connect ...

  5. OSU Pollinator Summit- Keeping the Bees Cost:  $50 Includes handouts, lunch, and refreshments.   ...

  6. Prepare your home and family for COVID-19: Follow Up

    work? Talk about problems found in your plan and effective solutions. Identify additional resources ... reading, or listening to news stories about COVID-19. Connect with family and friends. Share your concerns ...

  7. Tree University: Native Trees In Your Landscape

    targeted towards Ohio’s many woodland owners and natural resource professionals. ...

  8. Caregiver fact sheets, infographics and statistics

    resources  AARP Caregiving in the US 2020 Infographic Ohio AgrAbility Fact Sheet- Primary Caregiver for ...

  9. Community Planning Programs

    stakeholders and citizens in protecting Ohio's greatest natural resource- our rivers, streams, and lakes. ... useful resource, and we are now in the process of updating the Economic Development Tools and the Land ... Development Initiative provides educational resources, research results, and land use, economic development, ...

  10. Advancing Our Communities During and After COVID-19 Crisis

    for complete list of upcoming and recorded webinars. Click here for a list of COVID-19 Resources from ...
