
Search results

  1. Speaker Bios

    research has looked at the impacts of social norms on common pool resource management, modeling ... Jeff Sharp, Professor and Director, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources Jeff Sharp is the ... Director and a professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources.  He is also a State Extension ...

  2. Research from Cameron Thraen, AEDE Associate Professor, and John Newton, AEDE PhD Student, Referenced in Hoard’s Dairyman Article

    volatility measures and the term structure of premiums.”   Hoard’s Dairyman is a news and information portal ... for dairy farmers and their advisors, which features daily dairy news to assist those in the dairy ...

  3. Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture

    agricultural risk management: financial, marketing, production, legal, and human resources. The participant fee ...

  4. In Surveys, People Say They'll Pay Twice What They're Actually Willing to Spend

    natural resources in Alaska. Hu and his co-author,  Jerrod Penn of Louisiana State University, wanted to ... assistant professor of resource economics at Louisiana State, said the evidence in favor of cheap talk and ...

  5. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    be on policy changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources ...

  6. Farm to School

    resources to help schools procure and serve locally produced food. The program also helps students ... Farm to School trainings, and one-on-one consultations to provide more information and resources. ...

  7. Nutritional Barriers to Agricultural Productivity in Smallholder Farm Households: Panel Data Evidence from Uganda

    Rosemary Isoto, Department of Agribusiness and Natural Resource Economics at Makerere University ...

  8. AEDE April Alumni Newsletter

    celebrate you! If you've recently received a promotion, recognition, or award, our faculty and staff would love to hear about your recent successes.  Feel free to share at For a full listing check out our brand new AEDE news from ...

  9. Survey: Slashing EPA Won't Improve U.S. Economy

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Results from a survey of members of the Association of Environmental and Resource ... Economists (AERE), the leading professional organization of economists studying environmental and resource ...

  10. Lawrence (Larry) W. Libby

    of 2006. His MS and PhD degrees are from Cornell University where he specialized in natural resource ...
