
Search results

  1. Towers Blood Drive

    The annual Towers Blood Drive will be held April 1  from 10:00am to 4:00pm in the Ag Admin auditorium. Click here to register and help save a life! ...

  2. Dinner with Veterinary Students

    Want to be a veterinarian? Applying to veterinary school this summer? Just interested in learning more about the profession? Tuesday, March 31 from 6-7:30 pm in Dunlap Auditorium of Vet Med Academic Building Open to students of all stages in their undergr ...

  3. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts Needed

    Experience OSU for a Day (EOFD) allows prospective students to get a feel for what college is really like. Prospective high school students visit CFAES frequently and there is a great need for volunteers to show them around. High school students will shad ...
