
Search results

  1. Prepare your home and family for COVID-19: Follow Up

    work? Talk about problems found in your plan and effective solutions. Identify additional resources ... reading, or listening to news stories about COVID-19. Connect with family and friends. Share your concerns ...

  2. Visit

    Visit the School of Environment and Natural REsources Choose from a variety of personalized visits and ...

  3. Past workshops

    YouTube) Resources Safe Medication Practices for Better Health: GenerationRx webinar, June 9, 2021  ... Presented by  Ruth E. Emptage, Pharm.D, BCGP Resources and videos February 17, 2021: Respite! Respite? ... Respite... Resources and videos February 22, 2020  "I'm exhausted": Managing Caregiver ...

  4. Webinars and handouts

    resource handout Gardening with arthritis_handout Gardening with visual impairments_internet links handout ... Gardening with visual impairment tips handout Gardening with Arthritis and other limitations resources ... Maintaining your garden webinar (links to YouTube) Handouts Garden tools resource handout   Planning your ...

  5. Living on Campus

      Environment and Natural Resources Scholars Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Living-Learning ...

  6. Services

    information and resources about farming with a disability and other referral information on services available ... Community Programs Our team is eager to educate Ohioans about resources available for farm workers and their ...

  7. Schedule a Visit

    Prospective Student Services Office to talk about the college and its vast programs and resources. Shadow ... programs and resources. Take a 60-minute tour of the CFAES campus with a college ambassador. Click on the ...

  8. About

    goal is to provide education, resources, and technical assistance to those individuals and their ... resources about farming with a disability and other referral information on services available in ... Programs Our team is eager to educate Ohioans about resources available for farm workers and their families ...

  9. Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources and tips for Dementia Caregivers

    Tips from the Alzheimer's Association for Caregivers of individuals with dementia Most likely, dementia does not increase risk for COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus, just like dementia does not increase risk for flu. How ...

  10. Master Schedule of Course Offerings- Columbus Campus

    Campus.          Master Scheduling Resource Page Scheduling Inquiries Students:  Contact your ... Contact(s), listed below. Unit Scheduling Contacts: Refer to the following information and resources regarding ...
