
Search results

  1. Raspberry Production Increasing in Ohio

    potentially work with some grocery chains to see what needs to be done to give growers a little bit more of ...

  2. Transgenic Corn Production Slowly Increasing in Ohio

    "A grower may not have a pressing need for the Bt corn borer or rootworm trait, but if he is getting ...

  3. How to Control Weeds in Continuous Corn

    that will need to be controlled with post-emergence glyphosate applications; in a tilled field where ...

  4. Strip Tillage an Option for No-Till Farmers with Continuous Corn

    research to compare multiple production systems. "The bottom line is if farmers feel they need to till ...

  5. Producers Facing Hay Shortage, But Forage Options Aplenty

    livestock. "Overfeeding livestock with corn is just giving them more energy than they need and can lead ...

  6. Take Steps to Protect Livestock from Heat Stress

    prior to breeding to reduce additional stresses when they need to be fertile. • When cooling down sows, ...

  7. Keep an Eye on Late-Season Soybean Diseases

    should scout and manage these fields where needed to keep late-season soybean diseases at bay. Some ...

  8. Save on Fuel Costs with Natural-Air Grain Drying

    as a shelled corn supplier to an ethanol plant. "Natural-air grain drying diminishes the need ...

  9. Researchers Exploring Ways to Convert Manure Gas into Fertilizer

    needs as a way of combating high commercial fertilizer costs. Now new strides in technology may soon ...

  10. Pests of the Rare and the Familiar at Farm Science Review

    perfect venue to remind farmers that soybean cyst nematode is out there and needs to be managed," ...
