
Search results

  1. Environmental film series

    which is a service of the college’s School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR), is co-hosting ...

  2. Where's the Water?

    population growing beyond 7 billion individuals, the demand for water resources will expand dramatically ...

  3. OARDC Announces 2009 Brown, Family Scholarship Winners

    Moore is the daughter of Richard Moore, a professor in the Department of Human and Community Resource ... Resources office AmandaHaddix.jpg JamieImhoff.jpg RobinMoore.jpg DanMyers.jpg False True False True False ...

  4. Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price

    can be used in place of Canopy DF, but will still need the addition of 6 or more ounces of metribuzin ...

  5. Have Questions on Exotic Tree Pests? OSU Extension Offers Free Program for Woodland Owners and Homeowners on Oct. 27 in Bryan (NW Ohio)

    landscapes, and information on how long trees need to be treated for EAB and what products are currently ...

  6. 2015 Cloverbud Day Camp- COSI Adventure Bus Trip

    Extension Office by June 1, 2015. Everyone needs to bring a brown bag lunch with his/her name on it! ...

  7. Family Fundamentals: Know your facts when considering reverse mortgages (for September 2010)

    option for older homeowners, but, as with any major financial decision, you need to know all of the ... homeowners need not make monthly payments to repay the loan. Instead, the lender gets its money back when the ... made available in a line of credit, to be used when needed until the line of credit runs out. Or you ...

  8. Chow Line: Take care if using iron skillet for baby food (for 4/29/07)

    skillets can greatly increase iron content in your food, but you need be vigilant that you don't ... overdo it. Your baby's health depends on it. The amount of iron babies need varies greatly with ... their age. Most full-term babies are born with nearly all the iron they need until they double their ...

  9. Chow Line: Many children low in vitamin D (for 9/6/09)

    people need as little as 15 minutes in the sun each day (without sunscreen) to allow the body to make the ... vitamin D it needs; people with darker skin may need three to five times that much. But before sending ...

  10. Chow Line: Most children don't get enough calcium (for 7/22/07)

    children from 1 to 3 years old need 500 milligrams a day; 4 to 8 years, 800 milligrams; and 9 to 18 years, ... adulthood often begins in adolescence. Young bodies need adequate calcium to build strong bones, especially ... in mind. Anyone between 9 and 18 years old needs 130 percent of the Daily Value of calcium to reach ...
