
Search results

  1. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, October 8, 2024: Our Minds Matter: Enhancing climate resilience skills and well-being for environmental students and professionals

    Program Overview This event will connect natural resource and environmental professionals with ... " (n.d.) link here.  7  Time, " 7 Resources to Help You Cope With Climate Anxiety " (2021) ... and Natural Resources (SENR) provides welcome remarks. 8:15 a.m. Smitha Rao, PhD, assistant professor ...

  2. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    you’ll save the time and resources needed to find the funder, assemble the information, and write the ... regional, state, and federal sources. A grant is funding that does not need to be repaid. Often, grant ... a budget, and a plan for measuring outcomes are needed. Then, the grant writer can search for funding ...

  3. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    State’s Career Roadmap structure, and Office of Academic Affairs guidelines. The CFAES Human Resource ...

  4. Farm Stress Certified Series

    professionals with the knowledge and resources to support the agricultural community. Completion of all modules ...

  5. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    experience, and pool resources to design community-led initiatives.   Registration is free but required  BY ...

  6. Ohio Agricultural Mental Health Alliance releases farm stress survey results

    members will then determine where resources are needed to help ensure support is available to communities ... stated that there was a time in the past 12 months when they felt they needed mental or emotional health ... care or counseling services. Of those, half stated that they did not get the services they needed, and ...

  7. Carly Tolle

    mosquito control methods that are more pollinator-friendly than current practices.- Any- Journal article ...

  8. OSP Office Hours

    questions.    They have allocated dedicated time every other week to accommodate your needs, with office hours ...

  9. Ohio State Political Activity and Poll Worker Guidelines

    work the polls during this upcoming election cycle without needing to use vacation time. While the ...

  10. All Things Lifeskills!

    consider your interests, background, what is necessary to start the project, and the resources available to ... for yourself. Additional Resources: Basic Guideline for Table Setting Example Menu Clothing Scoresheet ...
