Organic On-Farm Research Network Proposal in Progress

Got Questions?

Do you have research questions you want answered? 

Are you interested in working with others to host and design research trials?

If so, this project might be for you.  Read on for the details!

Who: Ohio organic farmers, Ohio State University, Central State University, & OEFFA

What: Build an Organic Farm Research Network to connect organic farmers and university researchers, and help them learn from one another. 

Why: A sustained network that puts farmers first will help to:

  • identify better research questions

  • ensure that trials use real organic farms and practices

  • create results that matter

  • share these results more effectively

Our network will provide opportunities for two-way knowledge exchange as farmers and university researchers combine their different observational skills and resources to address compelling research questions. We hope our network also builds trust and relationships to support future research, understanding, and knowledge sharing.

When: We are applying, as a group, for a SARE grant to help kick-start this process.  The timeline will look something like this:

October 7: Pre-proposal due
January: Find out if invited to submit full proposal
January- March: Write and submit the full proposal
If funded, projects would begin in the fall of 2022.

What we need from you: We need farmers who are excited by this project and are willing to serve on the project’s advisory board. This would involve 1-2 teleconference meetings per month between January and March. During these 1-hour meetings you would work with OEFFA, OSU, and CSU to draft the grant proposal, discuss initial research projects, and guide budgetary decisions.

The group would continue to meet monthly (or less as needed) for an hour-long teleconference throughout 2022 into fall 2023.

If you are interested, you can read a draft of the preproposal or contact:

Cassy Brown, OSU, at 419-685-1159 or by email

Julia Barton, OEFFA, at 614-359-3180 or by email