Production Budgets are now available for organic corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, and sunflowers. Farmers can download these products for free from Ohio State's Farm Office website: Each budget is an Excel file that can be downloaded and modified by farmers to reflect their own prices or management practices. Alternatively, users can retain the default values in the budgets which are based on data gathered from Ohio State Organic Grains Conference attendees and other Ohio organic farmers.
All five budgets were developed primarily by Eric Richer, Ohio State Field Specialist in Farm Management. Osler Ortez, OSU State Specialist in Corn and Emerging Crops, coauthored the corn and sunflower budgets; and the organic oats budget had assistance from Erin Silva, University of Wisconsin Professor of Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems.
Organic growers are encouraged to contact Eric Richer to provide feedback for next year. Thank you to the many growers who have shared data and feedback to help create these budgets.
**The file can be also be opened with the free Google sheets software.Go to, click on the 9-dot circle in the upper right to access Apps, and look for Google sheets.